Welcome Guys, Foods are the essential thing in humans life. It provides sufficient amount of nutrients and energy. But wrong combination of foods may leads to health issue and illness. In this post I listed 10 of the Harmful food Combinations.

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10. Eggs and Bacon's
This two foods are high in protein. So it sit heavy in your stomach and make digestion hard. And It'll take a longer time to digest both. You should eat lite protein first and then your meat. 

9.Citrus fruits and Milk
Milk take longer time to digest. When you have milk and lemon or any citrus fruits together the milk coagulates. This can lead to gas and heat burn. 

8. Milk and Banana
The combination of Milk and Banana is heavy. While the food is digesting you'll experience fatigue. If you like drink of banana milk shake Add a pinch of cinnamon to promote digestion. 

7. Fruits and Meals
Fruits are easily digestable. But your meals may require more time till the food is digested, fruits is also detained. It's start fermenting . Try to avoid fruits with your meal. 

6. Lemon and Cough Syrup
Lemons can block enzymes that require to breakdown medicines, Including the Cough Syrup. If the drugs not broken down. The medicine can build up in the bloodstreame. Causing various side effects. 

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5. Apples and Allergy Medicines
The Apples affect the absorption of the Allergy Medicines in the bloodstream. This causes the medicine up to 70% less effective. 

4. Olive Oil and Nuts
Olive oil and Nuts together can make you sick. Protein in nuts and fat in oil don't mix. Thus the raw fat prevents protein from being digested. 

3. Cheese and Beans
The combo of Cheese and Beans can leave you feeling gassy and bloated. It is best to keep beans and dairy separate for easier digestion. 

2. Soft drinks and Mint
They have been many videos doing the rounds on the internet that shows the reaction between Mint and Cola. Imagine if the same thing happens inside your stomach. This is because mint and cola can cause excessive bloating and gas, which can make you very uncomfortable. 

1. Water with food
Water along with meals is one of the worst combinations. water tends to dilute stomach acids, which are essential for digesting the food. This can get difficult for your tummy and make it work more to digest the food. 


I hope you learned something new. In this post I listed 10 Harmful Food Combinations. And also included an Video version . Keep on update  for more interesting topic. 


  1. Yaah very interested this page
    And your channel


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